Janji temu

Jadwalkan Janji Temu

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VEC dan Pendidikan Vaskular

Complex open vascular surgery skills and experience are becoming a lost art in Singapore having been replaced by endovascular solutions as first line treatment for the majority of vascular disease today. Dr Tang and Dr Wong from the VEC are two senior vascular specialists who can truly do both forms of vascular and endovascular surgery having trained in the renowned UK NHS system, learning and performing complex open vascular surgery on a daily basis for 10-12 years and then undergoing dedicated vascular fellowships to hone their endovascular skills.

Earlier this week, they took time out of their busy schedules at Gleneagles to go to Sengkang Hospital to help a vascular consultant colleague perform an unusual operation of repairing a large 4cm common hepatic aneurysm not suitable for endovascular stenting. The aneurysm was resected after proximal and distal control were established and a splenic hepatic bypass using a reversed great saphenous vein conduit from the groin was performed. Pleased to report that the patient is making an uncomplicated recovery.

Dr Tang and Dr Wong strongly believe in training and continuing vascular education for the next generation of vascular specialists having trained multiple vascular surgeons during their time in public service at SGH and NUH respectively before leaving for private practice.

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