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In Clinic Consultation Fees

First Consultation (within 30 min)

$245 and above

Long First Consultation (within 30 - 60 min)

$345.00 and above

Follow-up Consultation (within 30 min)

$165.00 and above

Long Follow-up Consultation (within 30-60 min)

$245.00 and above

Emergency Consultation (W/IN 30 min)

$385.00 and above

Emergency Long Consultation (W/IN 30-60 min)

$550.00 and above

Wound dressings professional fee (excludes consumables)

$132.00 - 228.00 (depends on complexity)

Additional clinic-based Duplex ultrasound assessment

$150.00 - $320.00 (depends on complexity)

Specialist Medical Report

$200.00 - $ $330.00 (depends on complexity)

Laser Treatment Fees

Vbeam Laser (limited to 30 shots/session)

$650 and above

Vbeam Laser (Package of 5 + 1)

$3,250 and above

Gmax Laser (per affected area/session)

$650 and above

Gmax Laser (Package of 5 + 1)

$3,250 and above

Q-Switch Laser (per affected area/session)

$650 and above

Q-Switch Laser (Package of 5 + 1)

$3,250 and above

Out of Clinic Consultation Fees

Hospital In-patient Consultation (Ward)

$380.00 and above

Hospital In-patient Consultation (ICU)

$550.00 and above

Emergency Consultation Fees

A&E during Clinic hours

$380.00 and above

A&E after Clinic hours but before 12 Midnight

$480.00 and above

A&E after 12 Midnight

$550.00 and above

A&E Weekends & PH

$550.00 and above

* All prices are in Singapore currency, exclude Goods & Service Tax are accurate as of 1st Jan 2025 onwards. Prices may change accordingly.

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Home|Venous Disease

Venous Disease

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What is Venous Disease?

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a common condition that occurs when the wall and/ or the valves of the veins in your legs do not work properly, making it difficult for blood to return efficiently from the legs back to the heart.

Normally, the valves on the leg veins ensure that blood flows towards your heart in a one-way system but when they don’t work well, blood can also flow backwards and collect in the legs, causing venous stasis.

What causes varicose veins?

varicose veins

Both varicose veins’ causes and spider veins’ causes are unclear. Medical professionals do not yet fully understand why this exactly happens, but they do know that there are certain risk factors. Genetics, especially in women, play a role to some extent along with ageing and pregnancy. Vein issues, especially leg veins, are more common than you think and they can even affect people as young as 20!

Problems that affect the “muscle pump” efficiency of the calf muscles like osteoarthritis of the knee and poor mobility are associated with varicose veins. Working in certain professions that involve long periods of standing or sitting can also predispose you to varicose veins as they affect the veins on the legs.

The good news is that with the right treatment and care, varicose veins and their associated complications can be treated.

varicose veins
  • Tired and painful legs
  • Cramps
  • Limb swelling, heaviness, colour changes in their lower leg especially brown pigmentation
  • Dry skin and itch
  • Bleeding, venous leg ulcers and blood clots

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a manifestation of CVI and are abnormally dilated veins, which can be seen on the skin surface of the legs, ankles and feet, especially upon standing. They are blue or purple in colour, materializing as spider veins on legs, and can appear lumpy, twisted or bulging in nature.

Other conditions associated with CVI include:
  • Varicose eczema: Patches of skin become red, itchy and scaly. Varicose eczema usually occurs in the lower leg, ankle or over the affected vein.
  • Lipodermatosclerosis: The skin above the varicose vein becomes fragile, appears pink or brown and feels tight and hard to the touch. Further injury to the area can result in a leg ulcer.
  • Limb swelling, heaviness, colour changes in their lower leg especially brown pigmentation
  • Lymphoedema: Damage to the lymphatic system, causing swollen feet, ankles or toes.
  • Dermatitis: An itchy, inflamed rash on the skin surface. Cellulitis: A serious skin infection that causes inflammation to the soft tissue of the skin.

Is an Evaluation Necessary?

An evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause of your varicose veins. Your history, an examination and an ultrasound scan are all used in determining the type and extent of treatment needed. An ultrasound is required to determine the extent of venous reflux (backflow of blood), the severity and the anatomy of your varicose veins, which can guide the vascular specialist to offer the best treatment for you.

Venous Disease cases
Venous Disease cases 2
Venous Disease cases 3

Treatment options

We offer a full range of effective varicose vein treatment options in Singapore for patients with varicose veins.

Traditional open varicose veins surgery

Treatment can be painful and demands a significant amount of downtime and rest but may still be the best option for some types of varicose veins.

Hook phlebectomy is a complementary technique to remove varicose side branches from the main truncal vein through very small incisions which usually require only one stitch to close. This is an effective minimally invasive technique to remove the unsightly twisted veins that appear as bulges on the surface of the skin. This is used in conjunction with either open surgery to strip the main truncal vein or with minimally invasive ablative techniques such as microwave, ClariVein® or glue ablation.

Traditional Open Surgery
hook phlebectomy

We offer an array of minimally-invasive procedures as an alternative to conventional open varicose veins surgery, including:

Endovenous thermal techniques

Laser, radiofrequency and microwave ablation
Laser Treatment
Radiofrequency ablation microwave

Endovenous non-thermal options

Cyanoacrylate glue (VenaSeal™), mechano-chemical ablation (MOCA – or ClariVein®) and foam sclerotherapy.

Flebogrif® is another new minimally invasive, safe and effective method to treat varicose veins without surgery and without pain. Like ClariVein® – it is a type of mechano-chemical endovenous ablation – and has the advantage of not requiring heat and therefore no risk of nerve injury. Dr Tang from the VEC is the first to use the device in Singapore for varicose veins and has a place to treat truncal reflux below the knee.

Foam sclerotherapy

Foam sclerotherapy is considered the treatment of choice for varicose and spider veins, especially the small ones. In this, a  solution is directly injected into the vein. The solution causes the vein to scar and forces blood to reroute through healthier veins, then the collapsed vein is reabsorbed and fades.


  • No surgery is required
  • Reduced appearances of varicose veins
  • Short and easy recovery
  • Precise treatment zone
  • Minimal side effects
  • Foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins
Dr Tjun Tang with Professor Mark Whitely


Microsclerotherapy is a technique used in varicose veins treatment to treat the smaller veins on the surface of the skin on the leg such as spider veins or thread veins of the legs. It is a relatively straightforward procedure, which involves injecting a liquid sclerosant into the veins.

The solution causes the vein to scar and forces blood to reroute through healthier veins. The collapsed vein will be resorbed and will then fade in time. Microsclerotherapy is the most preferable treatment for thread veins below the heart.


High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

We are also one of the first clinics in South East Asia to offer HIFU, which is a new truly non-invasive way to treat varicose veins using ultrasound waves. HIFU can offer huge advantages over other varicose veins treatments because nothing is inserted into the vein and so there is no risk of bleeding or of anything breaking off inside the vein that may go to the lungs.

These can all be theoretically performed via one or several small needle pricks. At times we do offer these mainline therapies together to complement each other, along with ambulatory phlebectomy (small incision to remove larger branch veins).

Dr Tjun Tang with Professor Mark Whitely

Intravascular Ultrasound Assessment, Venoplasty (Ballooning) and Stenting

(IVUS) and deep vein ballooning and stenting – In some instances of advanced CVI, especially after an extensive blood clot in the leg we would investigate whether there is any scarring or compression of the major veins in the abdomen/pelvis and if so we may offer a keyhole procedure using a special ultrasound scope to assess the extent of blockage more carefully and when severe, we may insert a balloon and stent (a special metal scaffold) to open up the blocked vein to allow blood to more efficiently flow back from the leg.

Intravascular Ultrasound Assessment

Our Screening Packages (Non-insurance)

screening room

Varicose veins screening package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • Ultrasound reflux scan – to check for venous insufficiency (two legs add $450 + GST)
  • $799 + GST

Spider veins screening package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • 1 session laser treatment – (additional session $450 + GST)
  • $766 + GST

Varicose veins and spider veins package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • Ultrasound reflux scan – to check for venous insufficiency (two legs add $450 + GST)
  • 1 session spider vein laser treatment (additional session 450 + GST)
  • $1,460 + GST (two legs – add $400 + GST)

Diabetic foot screening (basic)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check circulation, biomechanics of foot arch, sensory loss
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – to check blood flow in legs
  • Blood test – to check average sugar levels in 3 months
  • $498 + GST

Diabetic foot screening (extensive)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check circulation, biomechanics of foot arch, sensory loss
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – to check blood flow in legs
  • Blood test – to check average sugar levels in 3 months
  • Single leg arterial duplex – to identify specific artery problem (additional leg scan $400 + GST)
  • X-ray one foot – to check bone infection
  • $966 + GST

Cardiovascular screening (normal)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – full cardiovascular examination including the heart and limb arteries
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – this is a marker for longevity and cardiovascular health
  • Blood tests (lipids) – to check all the types of cholesterol
  • Carotid scan – to identify block artery to the brain hence stroke
  • Echocardiogram – to identify heart muscle function
  • $1,446 + GST

Cardiovascular screening (comprehensive)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – full cardiovascular examination including the heart and limb arteries
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – this is a marker for longevity and cardiovascular health
  • Blood tests (lipids) – to check all the types of cholesterol
  • Carotid scan – to identify block artery to the brain hence stroke
  • CT coronary Angiogram plus calcium score – gold standard to identify block heart arteries
  • $2,544 + GST

Our Doctors

Senior Vascular & General Surgeon


Senior Vascular & General Surgeon

MA Honours, MB BChir (Distinction in Surgery), MRCS Glas, MD (Cambridge), FRCS (Gen); FAMS; CWSP

Senior Vascular & General Surgeon

MDCM (McGill University); American Board of Surgery (General, Vascular); FAMS; RPVI

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