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Our clinic and our specialists are Medisave-accredited. Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may use their Medisave for eligible general surgical and vascular surgical inpatient procedures and hospital stays.

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Frequently-Asked Questions
Just about anyone can get vein diseases, although ageing is one of the factors that contribute to the risk. As we age, our veins are more likely to bulge and swell, but those factors are not just limited to age; family history and genetics also play a role.
People whose daily routine involves a lot of standing or sitting for long periods of time also have an increased risk of developing blood flow problems. If you’re looking for a vascular surgeon to help shed some light on your worries, make an appointment with us today.
Absolutely. Though some vascular and endovascular treatments involve open surgery, newer methods are gradually shifting away from the traditional procedures that typically call for invasive procedures. Some of the well-known non-invasive treatments for varicose veins are sclerotherapy, phlebectomy, and ablation. Which of these treatments would suit you most would depend on your diagnosis from your vascular surgeon in Singapore.
Vascular diseases are any kind of disease that affects the blood circulation in your body. Veins, arteries and lymphs all make up the blood circulatory system and disruptions to any of these would result in vascular complications.
Vascular disease is an umbrella term for many other conditions, mainly venous diseases, blood clots, vasculitis, and peripheral artery disease. There are many more, and it would be best to consult with your vascular surgeon in Singapore if you suspect you might have a vascular disease.
Spider veins, referred to as thread veins, are thin red, blue or purple lines that create branches or webs visible underneath the skin. They form as a result of veins having difficulty pumping blood back to the heart and are often painless.
Although some people may choose to get treatment for cosmetic purposes, spider veins can be a symptom of venous insufficiency and over time may worsen if you don’t go for a vein screening. Visit your nearest vascular clinic if spider veins are a cause of concern.

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