
Schedule an Appointment

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In Clinic Consultation Fees

First Consultation (within 30 min)

$215 and above

Long First Consultation (within 30 - 60 min)

$325.00 and above

Follow-up Consultation (within 30 min)

$132.00 and above

Long Follow-up Consultation (within 30-60 min)

$215.00 and above

Emergency Consultation (W/IN 30 min)

$385.00 and above

Emergency Long Consultation (W/IN 30-60 min)

$550.00 and above

Wound dressings professional fee (excludes consumables)

$99.00 - 198.00 (depends on complexity)

Additional clinic-based Duplex ultrasound assessment

$110.00 - $220.00 (depends on complexity)

Specialist Medical Report

$165.00 - $ $330.00 (depends on complexity)

Laser Treatment Fees

Candela Laser (limited to 30 shots/session)

$534.00 and above

Candela Laser (Package of 5 + 1)

$2,670 and above

Q-Switch Laser (per affected area/session)

$605.00 and above

Candela Laser (Package of 5 + 1)

$2,670 and above

Out of Clinic Consultation Fees

Hospital In-patient Consultation (Ward)

$330.00 and above

Hospital In-patient Consultation (ICU)

$550.00 and above

Emergency Consultation Fees

A&E during Clinic hours

$275.00 and above

A&E after Clinic hours but before 12 Midnight

$385.00 and above

A&E after 12 Midnight

$550.00 and above

A&E Weekends & PH

$550.00 and above

* All prices are in Singapore currency, exclude Goods & Service Tax are accurate as of 1 June 2024 onwards. Prices may change accordingly.

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Home|Cerebrovascular Disease

Cerebrovascular Disease

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What is Cerebrovascular Disease

The blood flow to the brain is supplied by four main arteries to different areas inside and when the blood vessels burst or is blocked, a stroke may happen immediately. Stroke is a very common problem in the elderly and consists of two types:

Hemorrhagic: Internal bleeding of the brain.

Ischemic: Lack of blood supply to the brain. Ischemic strokes are much more common and is directly related to the blockage of artery supplying blood to the brain.


Cerebrovascular Diseases chart
  • Dizziness, nausea or vomiting
  • Sudden vision problems in one or both eyes
  • Sudden numbness on side of the body
  • Difficulty in speaking
  • Severe headache

Risk Factors

  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol

Conditions Managed

  • Carotid Disease
  • Stroke


Depending on severity of the problem, treatment can be divided into 3 types.

  1. If the problem is mild, medication can usually take care of it. Medication usually involves using agents to prevent blood clotting and tablets to lower cholesterol. This will help to delay artery blockage worsening.
  2. For more severe problems (more than 70% blockage), surgery to clear out the blood clots directly will be the best scientifically proven option (Carotid Endarterectomy). This also prevent strokes.
  3. In certain cases where surgery cannot be performed safely due to general anesthesia risk, hostile neck and poor patient conditions, balloon and stents (angioplasty & stenting) can be done instead using X-ray guidance to improve blood flow to the brain. This remains slightly inferior to surgery with a higher chance of recurrence of the blockage.

Services offered:

  • Carotid Screening before surgery
  • Carotid Endarterectomy
  • Carotid Stenting
Cerebrovascular Diseases overview1

Our Screening Packages (Non-insurance)

screening room

Varicose veins screening package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • Ultrasound reflux scan – to check for venous insufficiency (two legs add $450 + GST)
  • $588 + GST

Spider veins screening package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • 1 session laser treatment – (additional session $450 + GST)
  • $588 + GST

Varicose veins and spider veins package (single leg)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check distribution and anatomy plus to assess skin problem
  • Ultrasound reflux scan – to check for venous insufficiency (two legs add $450 + GST)
  • 1 session spider vein laser treatment (additional session 450 + GST)
  • $988 + GST (two legs – add $400 + GST)

Diabetic foot screening (basic)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check circulation, biomechanics of foot arch, sensory loss
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – to check blood flow in legs
  • Blood test – to check average sugar levels in 3 months
  • $388 + GST

Diabetic foot screening (extensive)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – to check circulation, biomechanics of foot arch, sensory loss
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – to check blood flow in legs
  • Blood test – to check average sugar levels in 3 months
  • Single leg arterial duplex – to identify specific artery problem (additional leg scan $400 + GST)
  • X-ray one foot – to check bone infection
  • $888 + GST

Cardiovascular screening (normal)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – full cardiovascular examination including the heart and limb arteries
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – this is a marker for longevity and cardiovascular health
  • Blood tests (lipids) – to check all the types of cholesterol
  • Carotid scan – to identify block artery to the brain hence stroke
  • Echocardiogram – to identify heart muscle function
  • $1098 + GST

Cardiovascular screening (comprehensive)

  • Consultation & Review – assess history, risk factors, life style, symptoms
  • Examination – full cardiovascular examination including the heart and limb arteries
  • Ankle brachial pressure index (lab) – this is a marker for longevity and cardiovascular health
  • Blood tests (lipids) – to check all the types of cholesterol
  • Carotid scan – to identify block artery to the brain hence stroke
  • CT coronary Angiogram plus calcium score – gold standard to identify block heart arteries
  • $2098 + GST

Our Doctors

Senior Vascular & General Surgeon
Senior Vascular & General Surgeon